Constantinos Leonidou

Constantinos Leonidou

Constantinos Leonidou is Professor of Marketing and Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Open University of Cyprus. He is also Adjunct Professor of Marketing (PT) at Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds and Co-Investigator in the ESRC-funded Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) focusing on consumer data and research providing insights into societal and economic challenges. He was formerly Professor of Marketing and served as Head of the Marketing Department (i.e., Department Chair) at Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds. He holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Middlesex University (2004), an MBA from Cardiff University (2006) and a PhD in Marketing and Strategy

from the University of Leeds (2009).

His main research and teaching interests focus on sustainability marketing, corporate sustainability and responsibility, international marketing, and tourism/hospitality marketing. He has published widely and his articles appeared in Industrial Marketing Management, International Business Review, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of World Business, and Tourism Management, and other Journals.

He serves as Associate Editor of Journal of Business Research and is a member of the Editorial Review Board of Journal of International Marketing. He also reviews on an ad-hoc basis for many other academic journals and regularly presents his work in leading international academic conferences across the globe. He is an active member of the American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science, British Academy of Management, and European Marketing Academy. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of CYENS Centre of Excellence and the American Marketing Association’s Global Marketing Special Interest Group.

He is currently the Academic Coordinator of the MBA programme at Open University of Cyprus and elected member at the University’s Council and Senate. He has taught on many undergraduate and postgraduate programs and served as an external examiner for the University of Glasgow and King’s College London. He has a successful track record in doctoral supervision, and currently oversees a number of students at different stages in the areas of sustainability, international marketing, and strategy. He has also supervised a plethora of undergraduate and postgraduate student projects and dissertations in these areas.