Andreas Lanitis

Andreas Lanitis

Andreas Lanitis is a Professor, in the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology and the leader of the "Biometrics for Smart Human-centered Emerging Technologies (BIO-SCENT)" multidisciplinary research group of RISE. Andreas received the degree of B.Eng in Electronic Engineering (1991) and PhD in Image Processing and Computer Vision (1995), both from the University of Manchester, UK. Subsequently he carried out research in the Division of Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering, University of Manchester. Between 1997 and 2007 he worked at the School of Sciences and Engineering, Cyprus College.

His research interests are focused on applications involving face image interpretation, face image coding, restoration and synthesis, age progression and non-invasive multi-modal human computer interaction, biometrics and other related applications of computer vision and virtual reality.

Andreas has published more than 150 papers in scientific journals, edited books and conference proceedings. Andreas was the principal investigator or partner in more than 15 externally funded research projects that received funding from the national Research Promotion Foundation or from the European Union.