Marinos Koutsomichalis

Marinos Koutsomichalis

Marinos Koutsomichalis (Athens GR, 1981) is a media artist, scholar, and creative technologist. He is broadly interested in the materiality of self-generative systems, (post-)digital objecthood, sound, image, data, electronic circuitry, perception, selfhood, and the media/technologies we rely upon to mediate, probe, interact, or otherwise engage with the former. His research and artistic activities reciprocally inform one another by virtue of a mixed method that combines situated creative practice, bespoke software/hardware development, ethnographic research, field-work, critical theory, analysis, workshopping, and DIWO (Do It With Others) experimental making. In this way, they draw on, and concern, various subareas in arts, humanities, science, technology, philosophy, and design.

He has hitherto publicly presented his work, pursued projects, led workshops, and held talks worldwide more than 250 times and in all sorts of milieux, from leading museums to underground venues. He has a PhD in Electronic Music and New Media (De Montfort University, UK) and a MA in Composition with Digital Media (University of York, UK), has held research positions at the Norwegian University for Science and Technology (Trondheim, NO) and at the University of Turin (IT), and has taught at various universities and institutions internationally.

He is responsible for more than 25 academic publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings, for more than 15 music albums, and for a book. He is a Lecturer in Multimedia Design for Arts at the Cyprus University of Technology (Limassol, CY) where he co-directs the Media Arts and Design Research Lab.