RISE CoE presentation to the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy and Chief Scientist and Director of the Research & Innovation Foundation

RISE CoE presentation to the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy and Chief Scientist and Director of the Research & Innovation Foundation

On the 20th of July, RISE CoE gave a detailed presentation to the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy and to the Chief Scientist and Director of the Research & Innovation Foundation of Cyprus.

The team of RISE CoE presented the centre’s work and research direction and provided examples of existing collaborations across the centre’s multidisciplinary research groups. The presentation also covered the Innovation and Entrepreneurship actions of RISE, the Makerspace and co-working space creation, the iNicosia RISE flagship project and CovTracer, the mobile application developed by RISE amid the pandemic.

The presentation was followed by discussion between the participants to identify areas of closer cooperation.

For more information:

RISE Makerspace and Co-working space
iNicosia RISE flagship project  