The paper “Exploring the use of DNS as a search engine for the Web of Things” by Andreas Kamilaris (RISE SuPerWorld MRG Leader); Koula Papakonstantinou; Andreas Pitsillides; published in the proceeding of the 2014 World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), Seoul, South Korea, March 2014, according to IEEE Xplore, has reached 73 citations in Patents requests. This is a great result for the Conference and for their research. In order to celebrate this major achievement, the team was assigned a special prize to their paper, that of the “Most Patents award.”
Theme: An important problem when enabling physical devices and their services to the Web, towards realizing a true “Web of Things”, remains the need for discovering these devices and services globally, ad hoc in real-time, within acceptable time delays. Attempting to solve this problem using the existing Internet infrastructure, we experimented using the Domain Name System (DNS) as a scalable and ubiquitous directory mechanism for embedded devices. Our contribution was a feasibility test, performing a simulation involving up to one million embedded devices, to test system performance and scalability.
Read the full paper here: