28, 05, 2024
28, 05, 2024

Join us for an insightful conference on the importance and role of physical and mental skills in football!

Although elite athletes and coaches acknowledge that mental skills are central to fast-paced sports such as football, current training focuses primarily on physical skills and tactics. Recently, however, the value of mental skills training has been documented by scientific research and has started to be adopted by large football clubs. Still, mental skills training is yet to be widely adopted by football clubs, especially those in smaller countries.

The conference will present the main trends and concepts of VR training and mental skills in football, and the outcomes of the European project VR-MS that aimed to transform the training regime of Digenis Akritas Morfou (DAM), to include the exercise of mental skills.

VR-MS partnership: Digenis Akritas Morfou, MentisVR Ltd, Università degli Studi Gabriele d’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara (UdA), The Centre for Social Innovation (CSI).

The partnership designed and evaluated an innovative Virtual Reality program for the training of mental skills and applied it to the coaches and players of the club, starting with 6-year-old players (of both genders) from the club’s academies and going up to professional players in the club’s elite men’s team.

A set of guidelines for adopting the mental skills training program by other clubs and/or national football associations was produced and shared with the relevant stakeholders.

Limited spots are available, book yours here:  


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