RISE, the Centre of Excellence in Research and Innovation in the fields of Interactive Media Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies, and Emphasis DigiWorld SA, the company that apply machine-to-machine (M2M), industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and visualize using web/mobile technologies to support real-time decision making and optimize business processes in various sectors, have agreed to collaborate in research and innovation. The two organizations will work in Science and Technology related fields to create pilot applications, models and tools through the use of innovative technologies of Virtual and Augmented reality for the mining and maritime industries.
The CEO of RISE, Spyros Nikolaou stressed the importance of the cooperation between the two organizations “In RISE we seek to build strong partnerships with SMEs that share our values and with which we can innovate together to introduce solutions that improve quality, safety and operations to various economic sectors. Virtual and Augmented reality technologies will impact profoundly on all aspects of society and industries have the opportunity to share in the benefits. For many it will be a paradigm shift in the ability to manage increasingly complex activities.”
Dr. Giorgos Papapanagiotakis, CEO of Emphasis DigiWorld SA, explained the significance of utilising high caliber researchers from RISE for RTD activities and leading Innovations that will have a positive socioeconomic impact and transform sectors.
RISE is the result of a joint venture between the Municipality of Nicosia, the three public universities of Cyprus (University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, Open University of Cyprus) and two international partners, Max Planck Institute for Informatics (Germany) and University College London Kingdom).
The Centre of Excellence in Interactive Media plays an essential role in the transfer of knowledge and technology in the region. RISE aims to act as a link between academic research and industrial innovation, in the direction of the scientific, technological and economic development of Cyprus and Europe. It has, at the core of its strategy, the goal to bridge the gap between research and industry and seeks collaborations with Cypriot and International businesses.
RISE looks forward to fruitful teamwork with Emphasis DigiWorld SA.