On November 26, RISE hosted a delegation from the Research Executive Agency. Head of Unit Ales Fiala, Head of Sector Patricio Ortiz and Policy Officer Dr. Karina Firkaviciute toured RISE’s current and future premises before a roundtable discussion with members of RISE including RISE CEO Spyros Nicolaou and RISE Coordinator from the Nicosia Municipality Charis Theocharous at the new Municipality building. The meetings were an opportunity to update the Commission on RISE’s progress and to engage with those overseeing policy and programming in in related sectors.

On November 26, RISE hosted a delegation from the Research Executive Agency. Head of Unit Ales Fiala, Head of Sector Patricio Ortiz and Policy Officer Dr. Karina Firkaviciute toured RISE’s current and future premises before a roundtable discussion with members of RISE including RISE CEO Spyros Nicolaou and RISE Coordinator from the Nicosia Municipality Charis Theocharous at the new Municipality building. The meetings were an opportunity to update the Commission on RISE’s progress and to engage with those overseeing policy and programming in in related sectors.