Hidayet Turk

Hidayet Turk

Ms Hidayet Turk holds a BA in Business Administration (Eastern Mediterranean University) and MSc. in Accounting and Finance (University of Birmingham). Following completion of her studies she had over 16 years experience involved in consulting, auditing, management, human resources, financial reporting and internal control of different kind of sectors. In addition to her sector experiences, she also had academic teaching experiences in undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Eastern Mediterranean University and Cyprus International University. She is also a volunteer on CSOs working for vulnerable groups in Northern Cyprus and had recently finalised Civic Space Mentoring Program  

in order to support citizen’s initiatives and CSOs throughout Cyprus in her professional fields. Currently, she continues to Professional development by learning programme languages and datascience.

In her current role at CYENS, Hidayet aims to be a teamplayer and contribute to the developments and effectiveness of the Accounting Department towards the objectives of the Centre.