Marina Toumpouri
Dr Marina Toumpouri is a Research Associate at CYENS CoE and research affiliate at the Centre for Medieval Arts and Rituals (CeMAR-University of Cyprus), while also serving as an external Cultural heritage expert for the Church of Cyprus. She holds an MA in Musicology (University of Strasbourg), an MA in European Cultural Studies (University of Strasbourg) and a Ph.D. in Art History (University of Lille). She specialises in Medieval and Early Modern tangible and intangible Cultural heritage, with emphasis on Greek manuscript cultures and historical soundscapes. Her research focuses on the holistic documentation of Cultural heritage via traditional research methodologies combined with technological tools, as well as in the ways physical assets and their digital surrogates are disseminated, used and preserved. Her previous work experience includes curation in GLAM institutions, provenance research, digitization and documentation of Cultural Heritage, as well as creation of digital experiences, applications and tools for educational purposes and entertainment.