Victor Klinkenber

Victor Klinkenber

Victor Klinkenberg is a prehistoric archaeologist, and investigates prehistoric social systems by critically examining processes of deposition - how did things end up in the ground, and why? He currently focusses on the Chalcolithic (Copper Age) period of Cyprus through excavations at Chalcolithic Palloures which he co-directs ( Victor specialises on the application of innovative 3D documentation and 3D spatial analysis, alongside established methods for archaeological, geological and stratigraphic analysis. His research has resulted in 30 publications and 40 presentations at international conferences around the globe.

Victor conducted his BA (prehistoric archaeology), MA (palaeolithic archaeology) and PhD (Near Eastern archaeology) at Leiden University, where he also held positions as post-doctoral researcher and lecturer for BA and MA.

Through his continuing affiliation with Leiden University, he is editor of the faculty book-series, and regular lecturer and thesis supervisor. He has participated and co-directed archaeological projects in The Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Iraq and Cyprus, and has followed courses at UCL (UK), Wiener lab (GR) and Delft University of Technology (NL).

Since 2020 he is postdoctoral researcher at the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, and since 2023 affiliate Research Fellow at CYENS, at the MuseumLab MRG.